Friday, June 18, 2021

16 Signs of false conversion in Christ Jesus!

By: Shaila Touchton | March 25, 2017 1. A false conversion in Christ Jesus Will not seek God or thirst for God and do not have the fruits of the spirit and repentance. 2. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will gratify the desires of the sinful nature and repeatedly engage in sinful behavior. 3. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will fall away when “trouble or persecution comes. 4. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will show little or no evidence of salvation by the way they live their lives and they do not resist sin and temptations. 5. A false conversion in Christ Jesus lacks conviction of sin and they have a unbroken patterns of sin even after they receive the knowledge of truth. 6. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will Appear Outwardly Godly & Appear Very Spiritual as well as religious but inwardly they are ungodly, unholy. 7. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will Compromise with the World by keeping one foot in the world and another foot in Gods word. 8. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will choose not to obey Gods word and his commandments. 9. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will live by his own feelings and opinions instead of Gods opinions. 10. A false conversion in Christ Jesus do not put God and his Word first in their life rather they are more into worldly materialism, fun and enjoyment. 11. When you rebuke or correct a false conversion in Christ Jesus, he will mock at you or he will find excuses to defend himself. 12. A false conversion in Christ Jesus are often filled with pride and arrogance, they boast and justify about their sinful lifestyle proudly by living Contrary to God's Word. 13. A false conversion in Christ Jesus do not have self-control, they hate discipline, hate God's law, commandments and his way. 14. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will lack Godly example in their behavior and life styles and they do not live a holy and righteous life. 15. A false conversion in Christ Jesus has the evidence of works of flesh, darkness and works of Satan. 16. A false conversion in Christ Jesus will not adorn himself with decent modest apparel which is pleasing and glorifying to God. Category: General Christian Articles Tags: 16 Signs of False Conversion in Christ Jesus

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