Sunday, June 6, 2021

Allow God to Speak Directly to Your Heart.

By: Shaila Touchton | April 12, 2019 God wants to communicate with you. God has been calling you for a long time. God planted a seed inside of you a long time ago and you can feel this seed awakening as you read these words. When you were a child there was probably a moment when God spoke to you and you knew it was God. You felt God's call, but you didn't know what to do. You have always known you were going to do something important, but you didn't know what it was. Now you will find out God's plan for your life. Growing up you tried to communicate with God, but you kept missing something. You learned how to pray and ask God for things, but you didn't know how to listen for God's voice. God is speaking to you now in a tender thought process inside of your mind. Evil doesn’t want you to get close to God. Evil wants you isolated from everybody. Evil wants you to think that there is no God, or if there is a God, God is mad at you. But if God were mad at you, you wouldn’t be feeling excited to read on. You may have sought God in a religion, book or person but you ended up feeling frustrated. That seed God planted never awakened. God's presence seemed to elude you. But still from time to time you could feel God touch your heart. Somehow you knew God loved you. To believe you must have a personal experience with God. A part of God lives inside of you. You are not God, and never will be, but God will talk to you inside of your mind. As you read this, you feel a gentle nudge. That is the Spirit of God , the holy spirit awakening. Once it matures it is going to change the world. God is your creator, friend and father. He wants to tell you his plan for your life. Try to be open-minded. If you have doubts—good, that means you are being honest with yourself. God can handle your doubts. When God speaks to you, you will know it is God--there will be no doubt. Of course, after the experience, doubt will come back. That is the force of evil. Evil doesn’t want you to communicate with God because once you do you are going to change human history. Imagine the God who knows everything about the past and the future, who knows everything about everyone, the God who has all the power, the God who can do anything, imagine this God talking to you. Aren't you excited to find out what God has to say? God is not going to be quiet in your life anymore. The force of evil is also in your mind and it is at war with you. Evil is always connected to a feeling of fear. God is connected to a feeling of peace. Satan is the accuser. God is the comforter. Evil seduces you into breaking God's law and then shames you for what you did. Evil knows where you are vulnerable. If you are afraid of being poor, evil will tempt you with money. If you have sexual vulnerabilities, evil will tempt you sexually. Satan says you are stupid, ugly, no good, broken, worthless and unlovable. The goal of the Devil is to destroy your relationship with God. Evil never wants you to communicate with God. It will laugh at you as you read these words. Remember, God has more power than evil and he loves you. You are God's child, his perfect work of art. God offers you a wonderful free gift--union with him in everlasting paradise. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." (John 10:27) There are several ways to confirm that the communications come from God. This is called testing the spirits. Compare the communication with scripture. God will never disagree with himself, and he has spoken in the Bible. Check out the communication with other believers. Some have the gift of discernment. A prayer group or clergy person may be willing to help. Discipline yourself to communicate with God every day. Things are not going to get right in your life until you spend quality time with God. As you continue your communications with God a time will come when he will tell you the plan for your life. This plan will awaken the seed completely and you will be given great power to carry the plan out. This plan will seem so fantastic that you will know that you are incapable of doing it. Remember, if you use God's power, you can do anything. With God all things are possible. All you have to do is take one step at a time and God will make the plan come true. It is important to ask a spiritual friend to help you. If you don't do this, evil will fool you and you will get lost. This person must be someone who is further along on the spiritual journey. Pray for this person to come into your life. Find a place of worship where you feel accepted. Tell your spiritual friend everything that happens between you and God. Share the details of your journey. Addictions can stop your spiritual progress. If you or someone you love has an addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs or gambling, lust or perverse life you need to quit them and change yourself and reestablish your relationship with God. Category: Healing and Deliverance Tags: Allow God to Speak Directly to Your Heart

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