Thursday, June 17, 2021

Are you an Unbelieving Husband

By: Shaila Touchton | March 22, 2017 1 Corinthians 7:14:For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not live in peace with your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you attend church and have no interest in Godly things. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not seek God and wisdom from the Lord. You are an unbelieving husband if you threaten your wife to divorce or leave her. You are an unbelieving husband if you quarrel with your wife for her faith and beliefs. You are an unbelieving husband if you argue and disagree with your wife for every little thing. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not have intimacy and the bonding of marriage with your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you are disobedient to the Word of God and his commandments. You are an unbelieving husband if you are not gentle and kind towards your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you are insensitive and disrespectful to your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you rarely talk unless you are forced to make a decision. You are an unbelieving husband if you are angry or depressed all the time with your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you make your wife miserable, making a home of angry outbursts, disrespectful judgments, selfish and ungodly demands. You are an unbelieving husband if you falsely accuse your wife and defames her Righteous character. You are an unbelieving husband if you are stubborn and rebellious. You are an unbelieving husband if you ever violent and hit your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you are self righteousness, untruthful, not being thoughtful about the needs of your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you make your wife and children worried about your bad behaviors. You are an unbelieving husband if you spend your days constantly fighting with your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you are un understanding, dishonest, unfaithful, and not committed to marriage vows. You are an unbelieving husband if you are mean, dictator and unaffectionate with your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you live with your wife just as a roommate and forget all your marital responsibilities. You are an unbelieving husband if you call yourself as a Believer in Christ but fail to live in Godly ways. You are an unbelieving husband if you think more like a worldly and accept Christ as a mere lip service. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not seek God and your priorities are not God and your family. You are an unbelieving husband if you are mean, jealous and rude to your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you are hot-tempered and do not have self control. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not love your wife as your own body, nourishing and cherishing her, even as Christ does for the Church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word. You are an unbelieving husband if you are violent towards your wife and children. You are an unbelieving husband if you humiliate, hurt and harasses your wife. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not have a gentle tongue and not generous. You are an unbelieving husband if you are not faithful, reliable and forgiving. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not lead your family in the way of righteousness. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not place your wife and childrens needs and desires above your own. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not fulfill the needs of your wife than receiving fulfillment. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not follow God's standards in every area of your life and if you do not provide the needs of your wife and children. You are an unbelieving husband if you do not reprove your wife, if you do not encourage her to live Godly life, if you do not comfort and help her when she is emotionally or physically hurt. You are an unbelieving husband if you have pleasure in sinful lifestyles and want to live contrary to the word of God. Category: My Christian Poems Tags: Unbelieving Husband

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