Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Beware of Mark of Beast!

By: Shaila Touchton | April 04, 2017 A dragon with seven heads with seven crowns and ten horns will appear He is a beast, antichrist ascending from the bottomless pit. He Will Come As a Man of Peace and a Man of Power He will make a 7 year peace treaty with the nation of Israel Halfway through his seven-year reign, He will break the covenant. With the purpose of attacking God and God's people. His identification number is 666 He will mark 666 on all his followers which is called Mark of beast. It will be an end times identification mark by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell. The mark of the beast will be placed upon all who worship the antichrist All people will worship him and receive a mark on their hands or upon their foreheads God's people will reject the mark of the Beast Mark of the beast is the sign of the terrible judgments from God for the last days. Antichrist will gain total economic and religious control of the entire world. Whoever takes the mark or the name of the beast or worships him will be damned for eternity. He will persecute God's chosen people, the Jews, and the nation of Israel. He will appear as a lamb speaks as a dragon and does false miracles by the spirits of devils. He rejected Jesus Christ and claims to be God. At the end of tribulation, Christ will come again and destroy the beast. Satan will be bound and unable to influence mankind. And Christ will set up His Kingdom on earth that shall never be destroyed. A thousand years of peace on earth called Millennium. Category: My Christian Poems Tags: Beware of Mark of Beast

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