Sunday, June 6, 2021

Exorcism and Deliverance

By: Shaila Touchton | April 12, 2017 seeing the power of God displayed in the driving out of evil spirits, was an important key to the evangelistic ministries of Jesus and the early church. As a matter of fact, this is the type of evangelism ministry that Jesus called us to carry out: And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.Matthew 10:7-8. Public exorcisms, which is an important part of the evangelism calling .If the demons don't manifest, the people don't get to see the power of God tread down the kingdom of darkness in a visible and tangible way before the eyes of people. On the contrary, demons are fallen angels, still subject to the authority of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit in us is greater than any evil spirit. How demons manifest: It seems every television station has its own tribute to the devil, airing horror movies and Halloween-themed episodes of all their shows. Demons manifest themselves in people in different ways. America’s perspective of evil spirits comes from the perverted media and speech, perverted things in schools, lewd, obscene,adultery,lust, Sexual deviations and perversions, pornography, addictions, by aggressive, evil dangerous behaviors ,disobedient and rebellious behaviors etc. Psychiatrist can name as psychosis or another psychiatric disorder but it’s a spiritual problem a demonic problem. Genesis 6, in which ungodly demons transformed themselves into attractive human men. We also referenced Genesis 19, in which the Godly angels who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah first appeared the afternoon before where they walked to Lot's house; these Godly angels were very attractive human men. This transformation of Godly angels in this dimension is evidently so common that the Bible states that some Christians have entertained angels without being aware of it! [Hebrews 13:2] To those who don’t know Christ, demons are indeed fearsome. But notice the authority Jesus had over even the most extreme case detailed in the Bible: Mark 5:2-8–When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit! St Benedict Medal (Exorcist Medal)can be used Against 1. To destroy witchcraft and all other diabolical and haunting influences; 2. To impart protection to persons tempted, deluded, or tormented by evil spirits; 3. To obtain the conversion of sinners into the Catholic Church, especially when they are in danger of death; 4. To serve as an armor against temptation; 5. To destroy the effects of poison; 6. To secure a timely and healthy birth for children; 7. To afford protection against storms and lightning; 8. To serve as an efficacious remedy for bodily afflictions and a means of protection against contagious diseases. How to use the medal 1. On a chain around the neck; 2. Attached to one’s rosary; 3. Kept in one’s pocket or purse; 4. Placed in one’s car or home; 5. Placed in the foundation of a building; 6. Placed in the center of a cross. St Benedict Crucifix is known as “The Cross of a Happy Death” not only because of the exorcizing properties of the Medal and the image of Christ’s Body, but because of St. Benedict’s particular patronage based on his death. St. Anthony taught a prayer to a poor woman who sought help against the temptations of the devil. In the original Latin, the prayer says Ecce Crucem Domini! Fugite partes adversae! Vicit Leo de tribu Juda, Radix David! Alleluia! And translated, it reads Behold, the Cross of the Lord! Begone, all evil powers! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, The Root of David, has conquered! Alleluia, Alleluia! Exorcisms that failed - Warning Mark 9:17-29 The Apostles, even using the authority given to them were not able to cast out a demon from a possessed boy, Jesus had to do the exorcism personally, he criticized the lack of faith and explained that some evil spirits could only come out through prayer and fasting. Acts 19:13-17 Some Jews and the seven sons of Sceva tried to exorcise a man in the name of Jesus, who was preached by the Apostle Paul, but to their disappointment, the possessed man jumped over them giving them such a beating that they left the place naked and bleeding. First we realize that to exorcise is a difficult job even for the apostles themselves who were authorized by Jesus personally. Now regarding those who are not genuine believers, to try to give orders to an evil spirit is a very high risk that may even cause the evil spirit to take possession of them or any one present. Authority to perform exorcisms, given by the Catholic Church Only priests authorized by a Bishop may officially do the solemn rite of Exorcism to persons who after psychological examination are accepted as being influenced or possessed by evil spirits and are in need of an exorcism. Types of Exorcism - Deliverance Solemn. This term is applied to an exorcism done officially under the authority of the Catholic Church to a person possessed by evil spirits. A rigorous psychological evaluation must be conducted on the victim, to establish if this is a case of possession, diabolical influence or to determine if it is a fraud. The victim must show the typical signs that accompany those who are possessed, among them the knowledge of other languages, prediction of the future, blasphemies and abhorrence of holy things such as holy water, salt or blessed oil, he may display supernatural strength, levitation, etc. Only an authorized priest can do the exorcism following the official rite of the Church. The devil or devils present in the possessed person receive orders from the exorcist to leave and never to come back, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Church in general, which received from Christ the promise that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) According to Canon 1172 of the Code of Canon Law no one may licitly perform exorcisms on those who are possessed, unless he has obtained particular and express permission from the local ordinary (section 1), and it decrees that this permission is to be granted by the Ordinary only to priests who are outstanding in piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life (section 2). Private. The faithful of the Church may say prayers of deliverance, in which they ask divine intervention to cast out the evil influence on any person, place or object. Because of the extreme danger involved, and the lack of knowledge about the enemy, it is very important to know more deeply all about the devil and his angels, and this is why the Church doesn't allow exorcisms to be done by any one, except by a priest officially qualified by a Bishop. 1 Peter 5:8-9 Saint Peter, the head of the apostles exhorts us to have discipline and to be alert, because the devil, our adversary is like a roaring lion who is prowling around seeking for someone to devour. Saint Peter tells us to resist him by remaining firm in our faith. Let us then be armed with great faith in God, let us grow in spiritually, so that God will listen to our prayers of deliverance. Preparation before the Prayer of Deliverance Just as when we are about to begin a battle, we must sit and study our intelligence on the enemy, we must analyze our weapons and our capacity, we must be totally sure that our battle will lead us to victory. To try to fight the devil without knowing knowing the necessary tactics to defeat him, is like being unprotected and placing our hands in a beehive, or like playing with fire. First of all we must be clear about the notion that God is the only one who can overcome the enemy, since He alone is superior to the devil, who has been created according to his designs. Here we really must make use of the Work of God, nor our own, since God definitively is the only way for our deliverance. Again, an exorcism is an exclusive matter for a priest duly authorized by the Church according to Canon 1172 of the Code of Canon Law. I repeat, we are not going to do an exorcism, we are going then to prepare ourselves for a profound prayer of deliverance, which involves the knowledge of all that is mentioned previously above and of the prayers recommended. We may also make use of sacramentals such as a crucifix containing wood (it must not be all plastic or metallic), holy water, holy salt and holy oil. The influenced person may pray these prayers although, it is probable that the enemy will distract him and he may end up doing something else, this is why it is recommended that at least two people who are faithful to the Church, preferably who attend mass daily say the prayers. The day of the prayers, they must get together in a place where there won't be other persons who may interrupt or become influenced by the evil one. First of all they must talk about God, read the Holy Bible and make available at least two or three hours to avoid any haste. It is a good idea for all to be in a state of grace, and to have confessed their sins recently, to avoid the risk of being scandalized by knowledge of the evil one. During some moments in our prayers we should kneel down, although it is also good to be comfortable and serene during most of the time. It is recommended to anoint the influenced person with holy oil during the prayer of deliverance, especially when we start to ask the Lord to cast out the enemy. It is also recommended to sprinkle holy water in the place and also to make the sign of the cross. In the sections where appears the sign of the cross, we must pause, bless ourselves and bless those we praying for. It is advisable to make copies of the prayers for every one present, this way there is more concentration, although only one person should read the prayers loudly and clearly, but every one must live them in their hearts. We must read very slowly, as if waiting for a response to our prayer after every sentence. Those who have received the gift of tongues, may praise God in tongues during the prayers, remembering the words of Jesus about not worrying in court, that is being before the accuser, since the Holy Spirit will speak for us, and our Heavenly Father will command the enemy to go out of the situation or person we are praying for. These prayers may be repeated as often as possible, until obtaining total deliverance. Whenever a priest exorcises in cases of possession, very seldom, the devil leaves in the first session, unless it is a case of influence which only requires faith and determination from the influenced person. Here we may understand better Mark 16:15 when Jesus gives the believers the power to cast out devils, as a sign accompanied by the gift of tongues and the gift of healing. Since it is the Spirit that commands and not ourselves, we are never contradicting the Church during these prayers. He who prays for the benefit of his brother is giving glory to God. See James 5:19-20 Warnings The devil knows beforehand that we are preparing a prayer to this end, normally unexpected things may occur, like problems and misunderstandings that perturb those who are going to do the prayer, cars don't start, unexpected programs, lock that don't open, keys that brake, and other incredible things may happen to cancel the prayer meeting. It is recommended that those taking part in the prayers attend mass during that day, and with anticipation offer holy masses offering the Precious Blood of Jesus for the deliverance of the person who requires it. When we start the prayers, we must not pay attention to the enemy if there is a manifestation, especially with lies or blasphemies. Our prayers are directed to God, not to the devil, our conversation is with God, we can not interrupt it by having a dialog with the devil. We must not be afraid by any noises, movements or gestures made by the one being prayed over, we must not be afraid even if our legs are trembling, this is natural to feel, but we must not interrupt our prayer by having a dialog with the enemy. Our faith must remain firm in the power of God that is going to bring deliverance to a suffering soul. It is advisable to speak with the person in question and make him feel repentance for his sins and to confirm his faith in the power of Christ for his deliverance, at the same time these prayers can be said at any distance, with the same effectiveness, since we don't have any power or sanctity, it is God who is doing his work by listening to our sincere prayer full of faith. We must not allow ourselves to be taken away by curiosity of having this encounter with the devil, after all we are children of God, created in his image; the devil is also his creation and we must not be too impressed, he is acting according to his evil nature, we are praying according to the Spirit of God who leads us to seek his Glory. Category: Healing and Deliverance Tags: Exorcism and Deliverance

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