Monday, June 7, 2021

Overcoming alcohol, tobacco and Junk Foods and Eat Healthy.part2

By: Shaila Touchton | April 12, 2017 (Part2) INSTRUCTION ON EATING The disease and suffering that prevail everywhere are mainly due to popular errors in diet. Many ailments are cured if the following instruction is put into daily practice. 1. A major portion of the diet should consist of fruits and vegetables prepared in a natural, tasty way. 2. Vary the diet from meal to meal, but do not eat too many varieties at any one meal. Keep the recipes and the meals simple. 3. Use the whole (unrefined) grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice. Discard the use of refined grains such as white flour and white rice. 4. Eliminate rich, concentrated foods containing too much sugar, fats and oils (especially lard), salt, and protein (meat and other animal products). 5. Eat at the same time each day. The stomach functions best on a regular schedule. Allow at least 5 hours from the end of one meal to the beginning of the next meal. 6. Do not eat between meals. Eating between meals delays stomach emptying, which causes the partially digested food remaining in the stomach to spoil or ferment. 7. Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. Supper, if eaten, should be the smallest meal. Supper should be eaten at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. 8. Eat all you need to maintain health and enjoy your food, but do not overeat. Too much food dulls the mind, causes fatigue, increases disease, and shortens life. 9. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. This will increase the enjoyment and the nutritional benefits of the food. Mealtime should be pleasant and unhurried. 10. Drink enough water daily to keep the urine pale. Drink liquids in between mealtimes. Avoid drinking during meals, just before a meal, or soon after a meal. 11. Skip 1 to 4 meals periodically. Fasting is an aid in educating the appetite and a rehearsal for self-control. Fasting is an excellent remedy for many illnesses. EATING TWO MEALS 6 HOURS APART • Improves the memory and intellect • Strengthens the bones and preserves kidney function • Increases energy and decreases stress • Helps maintain an ideal weight • Decreases cancer growth, heart disease, and diabetes EXERCISE Exercise is an absolute requirement for body strength and development. More people die from lack of exercise than from too much exercise. More people "rust out" than "wear out". Daily exercise is beneficial for people of all ages. Exercise not only promotes a sense of well-being and prevents disease, but it also aids in the recovery from disease. "If those who are sick would exercise their muscles daily, women as well as men, in outdoor work, using brain, bone, and muscle proportionately, weakness and languor would disappear. Health would take the place of disease, and strength the place of feebleness." E.G. White, Medical Ministry, page 297. God is the source of spiritual strength. "He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary ... But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:29-31). Addiction is a very common struggle and a plague in America today. We’re addicted to drugs, tobacco,alcohol, gambling, sex, pornography, food, and smoking. You name it. And many people who want to overcome their addiction think that simply having enough willpower is enough for them to stop their addiction. Many times there is a root that needs to be pulled up, along side casting out any residing spirits that are holding the person in bondage to the addiction. Getting to the root of the addiction is the key to bringing a person lasting genuine freedom. God created us to both give and receive love, but though damaged emotions, our capacity to receive love can be dramatically hindered. Ignorance of God's love will also hinder us from receiving the great and glorious love that He has for us. The root of most addictive behaviors is a lack of love being received by that person. Many of us have been damaged emotionally by rejection, abandonment, abuse, etc., and thereby our capacity to receive love has been reduced. Only an emotionally healthy person is capable of both giving and receiving love as God intended. An addiction is formed when we try to use something other than God, to meet our need to be loved. When our ability to receive God's love into our hearts is hindered, we will feel like something is missing, and seek to fill that void with something else. When that thing, whatever it might be, fills that void, we grow to love it because it's meeting a need. Over time, we establish a relationship with that thing, and when it comes time to depart, it's like breaking up a relationship. That's why addictions are so addicting; we've relied on that thing to meet a need and we've established a relationship with it. Now when it's time to break up the love, it isn't so easy to say goodbye. One common problem that we see when we try to deal with addictions, is where we give up one addition successfully, only to find ourself in another addiction. We might quit drinking only to start overeating, for example. We might think we're finding victory, but all we're really doing is trading one addiction for another addiction. This is because something has to fill the love-void in our hearts, and if it's not one thing, it will be another. As you discover emotional wounds, you'll need to forgive (others, yourself, and God) and invite Jesus to come and heal the damage in your heart. If you don't realize how much God loves you, then you'll need to spend some time learning about what Jesus did for you on the cross, and what a terrible price He paid because He loved you so very much. Often breaking out of an addiction is a combination of emotional healing, learning about who you are in Christ, forgiving (yourself, others, and God), overcoming self-worth issues by changing how you see yourself (in light of how God sees and loves you), and casting out any spirits that came in and are enforcing the addictive behavior. Spirits behind guilt, condemnation, etc. also need to be driven out, as they seek to keep us from fully seeing what Jesus did for us on the cross. Dealing with the issues underlying an addiction is key to uprooting it permanently. If you want lasting freedom and wholeness in this area of your life, you will have to deal with the issues that have limited your capacity to receive love, especially the love that God has for you. The choice is yours, freedom or bondage, truth or lies, life or death, the key is in your hand and the price has already been paid Category: Healing and Deliverance Tags: Overcoming alcohol, tobacco and Junk Foods and Eat Healthy part2

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