Monday, June 7, 2021

Obey God's Health Laws.

By: Shaila Touchton | April 12, 2017 There are two sets of laws in the universe, the spiritual laws and the health laws, and you can’t defy either set. You violate either or both sets of laws and you reap the fallout. We must live in harmony with God's holy laws and secure a better chance for healing, in spirit, if not in body. God intended that humans would remain in perfect health&emdash;forever. He therefore gave detailed instructions on how to live and to maintain their physical mental, and spiritual health. This perfect health and freedom from death, as enjoyed at creation, was based on faithfulness to God's implicit instructions. To test Adam's and Eve's loyalty and love, God decided to restrict their freedom in one area; He forbade them to eat the fruit from only one fruit tree on the whole earth. Obedience to this command would assure everlasting life; disobedience would result in a certain death. Separating them from God, the source of eternal life, and the tree of life, this one sin brought guilt and sorrow upon the world. Physical decay, deformity, sickness, and death became the lot of the race. It became more and more difficult for human nature, weakened by sin, to resist the temptations that have penetrated into every realm of life. Finally, the power of the appetite and passions has gained almost unlimited control, causing widespread disease and deterioration of the human race. We tend to lust after what tastes good, feels good, and appears good, regardless of what is truly best. The impact of sin on the image of God in humanity is overwhelming. By now this image is nearly destroyed, with weakened physical powers and mental capacity, as well as diminished spiritual vision. Disease, pain, and suffering are part of the Devil's plan to totally destroy the human race. The health of the human body is essential in reaching God's goal for the restoration of the race. God solicits human cooperation. To accomplish this goal, He employs the following motivational Biblical concepts: The Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit To highlight the special importance of body health, the Bible reveals that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit&emdash; His very own home. We have no right to do what we please with ourselves, because we are bought with Christ's own life on Calvary. His death paid the ransom necessary to release us from the devil's captivity. The body, therefore, belongs to Christ (16) and we have the responsibility and privilege of doing everything possible to keep it in optimal health. The Body is to Glorify God Yes, the ransom Christ paid to liberate humanity brings us under the moral obligation to glorify God with our bodies. It means that human beings have the opportunity to be restored into God's image and reflect God's character. This has far-reaching implications for our life-style. The Bible states that "whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (17) As soon as one realizes this, life's activities cease to be meaningless. From personal experience Paul exclaimed, "For to me, to live is Christ." (18) Everything we do physically, mentally, or spiritually, will be done in reference to whether or not it honors the Savior. We will eat the most nutritious foods, get adequate exercise, proper rest, sunshine, and plenty of water, as well as refrain from using unclean foods, intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other harmful substances and practices. The Body is a Living Sacrifice In Old Testament times, believers were required to present animal sacrifices as evidence of their total dedication and commitment to God. We are now called to present your "bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." (19) What are the implications? We no longer live to our desires but to His glory. A far-reaching commitment is called for: "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (20) A self-centered life-style that indulges in health-destroying practices is incompatible with God's plan for the life of a Christian. The Body is to Function in Harmony with God's Law God's plan is to bring us into harmony with His eternal law, the Ten Commandments. The sixth commandment prohibits killing. (21) In the broadest sense this does not mean just to refrain from killing others, but also prohibits killing oneself. In positive terms, it means to do everything possible to keep the human body as healthy as possible. It implies abstinence from everything injurious to healthful living. We need to obey all God's laws, which include natural laws. Normally, when Christians speak about living in harmony with God's laws, they think only about the claims of the moral law of the Ten Commandments. However, God is not only the Creator of that moral law but He is also the Author of all natural law. The laws of nature include the laws responsible for the proper operation of the human body. They pertain to all the laws of health. Violation of the natural laws of the human organism is a transgression of divine law and is considered a sin because it goes against God's plan of restoration. The Body is to be Prepared for the Second Advent Very soon Jesus will return to take us to heaven (22) where there will be no pain or sorrow (23). Those who have accepted Jesus' offer of restoration and have implemented His instructions on how to live will joyfully greet Him when He returns. (24) The Bible does not call us merely to a spiritual preparation for Christ's return, as indispensable as this is. This preparation involves the whole person. Paul stated: "May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (25) We have seen that God's interest in individuals involves the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Followers of Jesus will refrain from a life-style that does not prepare them to meet Him soon. The Body is to Attain to Christian Excellence The Bible calls upon people to attain to Christian perfection. Accordingly, Paul stated, "Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (26) Those who have in their life-style anything that defiles will be barred from the eternal inheritance. (27) The lifestyle that leads toward Bible perfection involves full compliance with the laws of health, and abstinence from everything unhealthful. (28) The Bible exhorts believers to live a life-style of sanctification. This means doing everything they can to take care of their physical, mental, and spiritual health. It means exercising self-control over the passions and health-destroying inclinations so they do not dominate the body. It is through Christ's power alone that we are able to bring these drives into subjection and receive the imperishable crown." (29, 30, 31, 32) The Secret of Healthful Living Christ's promise of the abundant life is not an unrealistic ideal that cannot be reached. The Bible assures believers that when they give their lives to Him, Christ will enable them to follow His directives for the abundant, healthful life. He promises that "he who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing." "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." (33) This special relationship the Bible calls the "new covenant," which God is wanting to establish with His people. When we have entered into this closest of relationships, God's call to a new and healthy life-style is welcomed and obeyed from our hearts. When Christ possesses our minds we delight to do His will. Instead of being a burden, healthful living becomes a joy&emdash;just the way we want to do it, anyway. We do not wish to live any other way because we love the healthy way, and worship and adore its Author. Category: Healing and Deliverance Tags: Obey God s Health Laws

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