Friday, June 11, 2021

Regret! Behind the Closed doors

By: Shaila T | April 04, 2017 Marriage is dead with pleasures and all happiness fled Completely living in loveless marriage where no relationship left. We are strangers living under the same roof. Living with selfish cruel and inconsiderate man You say you care But you don't You said you'd change but you won't You say you love but you don’t show in words nor actions You hide hatred with lying lips You are man of ever full of accusations and criticisms An wolf in sheep’s clothing To make yourself look good, you are manipulative, rageous, blaming, tormentive and a pathological lier You are bitter, resent, cynical, harsh, cold, relentless, and unpleasant to be around with. You are killing my spirit and trampling my soul Wearing me down, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Making me feel hopeless and lost I live everyday with Everlasting pain and regrets No matter how hard I cry. You never hear me No one understand the pain I go through everyday My eyes are so tired, regretting again and again My heart has been broken again and again My head is sore and hard to carry My shoulders can’t bear the weight Feel so broken Want to be outspoken Feel so insecure with no cure I am suffocated in my own world For being innocent to trust deceivers With all this pain deep inside I smile outwardly Willing to take an extra mile I have no choice but to be forever silent I am like a prisoner feeling trapped Forever suffering, for the sake of family Living life regretting for yesterdays choice Life can be so hard when you are broken Every day is a struggle but Life must go on God is my refuge in my time of trouble And I will live to serve Him for the rest of my days. I can face my fears and no longer shed tears For God is with me in all my circumstances Lord God, fill my heart with courage and strength To become strong enough to face any situation Give me renewed strength and courage each new day For I call upon you for guidance and protection in each new way. Category: My Christian Poems Tags: Regret Behind the Closed doors

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