Monday, June 7, 2021

Who needs Deliverance ?

By: Shaila Touchton | April 12, 2017 Any Christian that has had a history or affinity in the past with the occult, Satanism and witchcraft is in need of deliverance. Any Christian coming from a background of ancestral worship and idolatry is need of deliverance. Any Christian experimenting with or has experimented with New Age Movement and occultism is in need of deliverance. Any Christian struggling to overcome all manner, diversification and manifestation of sexual deviance, impurity and perversion is in need of deliverance. Any Christian suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography, and violence is in need of deliverance. Any Christian who experience real sexual intercourse in dreams that translate into reality with several sexual partners known and unknown to him/her is in need of deliverance. Any Christian eating often in peculiar places undergoing ungodly rituals and initiations with strangers in dreams is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that speaks consciously to an imaginary spirit friend who can also speak back or has made contact with the spirit world using the Ouija board and similar occult art etc, is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that has invoked a curse upon him/herself through ignorance is in need of deliverance. The words of our mouths are powerful containers and carriers for demons or evil spirit to seize upon when spoken in anger, rage or ignorance. Any Christian preoccupied with greed, exploitation and financial unrighteousness is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that is a member or practicing member of an esoteric organisation or secret society which involves rituals, sacrifices, and worship of demons disguised as gods is in desparate need of deliverance. Any Christian that has since becoming a Christian undergone any form of initiation into the inner sanctums of the occult, esoteric organisation or secret society is in desparate need of deliverance. Any Christian experiencing moving objects within their body is in need of deliverance. Any Christian in possession of totems venerated for magical powers by their ancestors and descendants alike is need of deliverance. Any Christian experiencing constant nightmares in dreams is in need of deliverance. Any Christian having suicidal or murderous thoughts is in need of deliverance. Any Christian practicing any form transcendental meditation (TM), yoga, visualisation, centering, or channelling is in need of deliverance. Any Christian in possession of or, relying on charms and talisman for protection is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that uses the LORD's name in vain or as a swear word is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that consults and venerates angelic spirits is in need of deliverance. Any Christian obtaining anointing from cemetaries and the dead is in need of deliverance. Any Christian that astral travels or soul projects knowingly and unknowingly is in need of deliverance. Any Christian predisposed to the operations of false signs and wonders is in need of deliverance. Any Christian involved in the merchandising of the free gifts of the Holy Spirit, is in serious need of deliverance. Any Christian who is an adherent of false doctrines, false prophets, false teaching, false ministries and satanic ministers is in need of deliverance. Any Christain who views their visions, prophecies and dreams to have or carry more weight and authority over Scripture is in need of deliverance. Any Christian according reverence to a servant of God above and beyond what is biblically acceptable is in need of deliverance. Any Christian being visited in dreams and mentored by spirit guides in subtle form of occultism is in need of deliverance. Any Christian leaving their spouse to marry another claiming God authorised it is in need of deliverance. Any Christian knowingly entering into an unequally yoked marriage is in need of deliverance. There are more that can be added to the list as it is not intended to be exhaustive and besides, the extremity of each case of deliverance may vary depending on several factors already discussed throughout this website. 11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. — 2 Corinthians 2:11 .The depth of ignorance prevalent within the body of Christ over spiritual matters is overwhelming and remonstratively sad. We should point out that everything we have said here also applies to those who are non-Christian. Non-Christians are particularly more prone to demonic attacks by the demise of not having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Sin is the reason why we need deliverance, as we come to Christ Jesus in the genuine acceptance of what He has done for us on the Cross; we have been delivered from the Kingdom of darkness. 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: — Colossians 1:13 . Category: Healing and Deliverance Tags: Who needs Deliverance

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