Friday, June 11, 2021

The Ultimate Love story of Jesus Christ!

By: Shaila Touchton | April 04, 2017 Good Friday reminds the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. The betrayal and forsaken of his own disciple The blasphemous false accusations from the world Good Friday reminds us that Jesus was despised and rejected by men He was betrayed by Jesus for thirty pieces of silver He was denied, abandoned, mocked, was arrested and bound. He was rejected by his own hometown and was asked deceitful questions. He was ridiculed by his own family members, blindfolded, beaten, struck with blows He was arrested, wounded, bruised unaccompanied by his accusers He was falsely charged, chastised, endured stripes He was Oppressed and was led to the slaughter He was cut off from the land of the living, was abused by the roman soldiers He was scourged, put on a crown of thorns on his head A reed in His right hand, struck Him on the head with the reed. The soldiers striped him and divided His garments The chief priests with the scribes mocked and sneered at him. He was nailed on the cross, bore his own cross and was crucified. He took all the sins of the world upon Himself to end mans separation from God And to destroy eternal death, to be our high priest, to be our example To be our perfect Advocate, to motivate us for striving for love, holy, blameless, perfect and righteousness. He died on the cross to rescue us from final judgment. By his suffering he revealed the consequence of sin and the greatness of God's love. He demonstrated his own love for us to give hope for dead through resurrection. Jesus died on the cross and on the Third day rose from the dead He did not suffer for his own sins, but for the sins of others. Jesus Christ was risen to offer the forgiveness of sins and everlasting salvation For whoever believes in Him . Jesus was crucified and died on a Friday He came to seek and to save what was lost He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities When we were still sinners, Christ died for us He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance He came to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many Good Friday recalls the greatness and wonder of God’s love Jesus Christ Is the Perfect Example of Obedience Jesus Christ is the Perfect Sacrifice for Our Sins. Remember Gods great love for us on Good Friday And rejoice the day with New meaning and change in your life. Wishing Everyone a Blessed Good Friday. Category: My Christian Poems Tags: The Ultimate Love story of Jesus Christ

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